


本节简单介绍了PostgreSQL缓存管理(Buffer Manager)中的实现函数ReadBuffer_common->BufferAlloc->BufTableHashCode,该函数根据BufferTag计算Hash Code。




 * Flags for buffer descriptors
 * buffer描述器标记
 * Note: TAG_VALID essentially means that there is a buffer hashtable
 * entry associated with the buffer's tag.
 * 注意:TAG_VALID本质上意味着有一个与缓冲区的标记相关联的缓冲区散列表条目。
//buffer header锁定
#define BM_LOCKED               (1U << 22)  /* buffer header is locked */
#define BM_DIRTY                (1U << 23)  /* data needs writing */
#define BM_VALID                (1U << 24)  /* data is valid */
//已分配buffer tag
#define BM_TAG_VALID            (1U << 25)  /* tag is assigned */
#define BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS       (1U << 26)  /* read or write in progress */
#define BM_IO_ERROR             (1U << 27)  /* previous I/O failed */
#define BM_JUST_DIRTIED         (1U << 28)  /* dirtied since write started */
//存在等待sole pin的其他进程
#define BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER     (1U << 29)  /* have waiter for sole pin */
#define BM_CHECKPOINT_NEEDED    (1U << 30)  /* must write for checkpoint */
#define BM_PERMANENT            (1U << 31)  /* permanent buffer (not unlogged,
                                             * or init fork) */
 *  BufferDesc -- shared descriptor/state data for a single shared buffer.
 *  BufferDesc -- 共享缓冲区的共享描述符(状态)数据
 * Note: Buffer header lock (BM_LOCKED flag) must be held to examine or change
 * the tag, state or wait_backend_pid fields.  In general, buffer header lock
 * is a spinlock which is combined with flags, refcount and usagecount into
 * single atomic variable.  This layout allow us to do some operations in a
 * single atomic operation, without actually acquiring and releasing spinlock;
 * for instance, increase or decrease refcount.  buf_id field never changes
 * after initialization, so does not need locking.  freeNext is protected by
 * the buffer_strategy_lock not buffer header lock.  The LWLock can take care
 * of itself.  The buffer header lock is *not* used to control access to the
 * data in the buffer!
 * 注意:必须持有Buffer header锁(BM_LOCKED标记)才能检查或修改tag/state/wait_backend_pid字段.
 * 通常来说,buffer header lock是spinlock,它与标记位/参考计数/使用计数组合到单个原子变量中.
 * 这个布局设计允许我们执行原子操作,而不需要实际获得或者释放spinlock(比如,增加或者减少参考计数).
 * buf_id字段在初始化后不会出现变化,因此不需要锁定.
 * freeNext通过buffer_strategy_lock锁而不是buffer header lock保护.
 * LWLock可以很好的处理自己的状态.
 * 务请注意的是:buffer header lock不用于控制buffer中的数据访问!
 * It's assumed that nobody changes the state field while buffer header lock
 * is held.  Thus buffer header lock holder can do complex updates of the
 * state variable in single write, simultaneously with lock release (cleaning
 * BM_LOCKED flag).  On the other hand, updating of state without holding
 * buffer header lock is restricted to CAS, which insure that BM_LOCKED flag
 * is not set.  Atomic increment/decrement, OR/AND etc. are not allowed.
 * 假定在持有buffer header lock的情况下,没有人改变状态字段.
 * 持有buffer header lock的进程可以执行在单个写操作中执行复杂的状态变量更新,
 *   同步的释放锁(清除BM_LOCKED标记).
 * 换句话说,如果没有持有buffer header lock的状态更新,会受限于CAS,
 *   这种情况下确保BM_LOCKED没有被设置.
 * 比如原子的增加/减少(AND/OR)等操作是不允许的.
 * An exception is that if we have the buffer pinned, its tag can't change
 * underneath us, so we can examine the tag without locking the buffer header.
 * Also, in places we do one-time reads of the flags without bothering to
 * lock the buffer header; this is generally for situations where we don't
 * expect the flag bit being tested to be changing.
 * 一种例外情况是如果我们已有buffer pinned,该buffer的tag不能改变(在本进程之下),
 *   因此不需要锁定buffer header就可以检查tag了.
 * 同时,在执行一次性的flags读取时不需要锁定buffer header.
 * 这种情况通常用于我们不希望正在测试的flag bit将被改变.
 * We can't physically remove items from a disk page if another backend has
 * the buffer pinned.  Hence, a backend may need to wait for all other pins
 * to go away.  This is signaled by storing its own PID into
 * wait_backend_pid and setting flag bit BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER.  At present,
 * there can be only one such waiter per buffer.
 * 如果其他进程有buffer pinned,那么进程不能物理的从磁盘页面中删除items.
 * 因此,后台进程需要等待其他pins清除.这可以通过存储它自己的PID到wait_backend_pid中,
 * 目前,每个缓冲区只能由一个等待进程.
 * We use this same struct for local buffer headers, but the locks are not
 * used and not all of the flag bits are useful either. To avoid unnecessary
 * overhead, manipulations of the state field should be done without actual
 * atomic operations (i.e. only pg_atomic_read_u32() and
 * pg_atomic_unlocked_write_u32()).
 * 本地缓冲头部使用同样的结构,但并不需要使用locks,而且并不是所有的标记位都使用.
 * 为了避免不必要的负载,状态域的维护不需要实际的原子操作
 * (比如只有pg_atomic_read_u32() and pg_atomic_unlocked_write_u32())
 * Be careful to avoid increasing the size of the struct when adding or
 * reordering members.  Keeping it below 64 bytes (the most common CPU
 * cache line size) is fairly important for performance.
 * 在增加或者记录成员变量时,小心避免增加结构体的大小.
 * 保持结构体大小在64字节内(通常的CPU缓存线大小)对于性能是非常重要的.
typedef struct BufferDesc
    //buffer tag
    BufferTag   tag;            /* ID of page contained in buffer */
    //buffer索引编号(0开始),指向相应的buffer pool slot
    int         buf_id;         /* buffer's index number (from 0) */
    /* state of the tag, containing flags, refcount and usagecount */
    pg_atomic_uint32 state;
    int         wait_backend_pid;   /* backend PID of pin-count waiter */
    int         freeNext;       /* link in freelist chain */
    LWLock      content_lock;   /* to lock access to buffer contents */
} BufferDesc;

Buffer tag标记了buffer存储的是磁盘中哪个block

 * Buffer tag identifies which disk block the buffer contains.
 * Buffer tag标记了buffer存储的是磁盘中哪个block
 * Note: the BufferTag data must be sufficient to determine where to write the
 * block, without reference to pg_class or pg_tablespace entries.  It's
 * possible that the backend flushing the buffer doesn't even believe the
 * relation is visible yet (its xact may have started before the xact that
 * created the rel).  The storage manager must be able to cope anyway.
 * 注意:BufferTag必须足以确定如何写block而不需要参照pg_class或者pg_tablespace数据字典信息.
 * 有可能后台进程在刷新缓冲区的时候深圳不相信关系是可见的(事务可能在创建rel的事务之前).
 * 存储管理器必须可以处理这些事情.
 * Note: if there's any pad bytes in the struct, INIT_BUFFERTAG will have
 * to be fixed to zero them, since this struct is used as a hash key.
 * 注意:如果在结构体中有填充的字节,INIT_BUFFERTAG必须将它们固定为零,因为这个结构体用作散列键.
typedef struct buftag
    RelFileNode rnode;          /* physical relation identifier */
    ForkNumber  forkNum;
    BlockNumber blockNum;       /* blknum relative to begin of reln */
} BufferTag;


 * Top control structure for a hashtable --- in a shared table, each backend
 * has its own copy (OK since no fields change at runtime)
 * 哈希表的顶层控制结构.
 * 在这个共享哈希表中,每一个后台进程都有自己的拷贝
 * (之所以没有问题是因为fork出来后,在运行期没有字段会变化)
struct HTAB
    HASHHDR    *hctl;           /* => shared control information */
    HASHSEGMENT *dir;           /* directory of segment starts */
    HashValueFunc hash;         /* hash function */
    HashCompareFunc match;      /* key comparison function */
    HashCopyFunc keycopy;       /* key copying function */
    HashAllocFunc alloc;        /* memory allocator */
    MemoryContext hcxt;         /* memory context if default allocator used */
    char       *tabname;        /* table name (for error messages) */
    bool        isshared;       /* true if table is in shared memory */
    bool        isfixed;        /* if true, don't enlarge */
    /* freezing a shared table isn't allowed, so we can keep state here */
    bool        frozen;         /* true = no more inserts allowed */
    /* We keep local copies of these fixed values to reduce contention */
    Size        keysize;        /* hash key length in bytes */
    long        ssize;          /* segment size --- must be power of 2 */
    int         sshift;         /* segment shift = log2(ssize) */
 * Header structure for a hash table --- contains all changeable info
 * 哈希表的头部结构 -- 存储所有可变信息
 * In a shared-memory hash table, the HASHHDR is in shared memory, while
 * each backend has a local HTAB struct.  For a non-shared table, there isn't
 * any functional difference between HASHHDR and HTAB, but we separate them
 * anyway to share code between shared and non-shared tables.
 * 在共享内存哈希表中,HASHHDR位于共享内存中,每一个后台进程都有一个本地HTAB结构.
 * 对于非共享哈希表,HASHHDR和HTAB没有任何功能性的不同,
 * 但无论如何,我们还是把它们区分为共享和非共享表.
struct HASHHDR
     * The freelist can become a point of contention in high-concurrency hash
     * tables, so we use an array of freelists, each with its own mutex and
     * nentries count, instead of just a single one.  Although the freelists
     * normally operate independently, we will scavenge entries from freelists
     * other than a hashcode's default freelist when necessary.
     * 在高并发的哈希表中,空闲链表会成为竞争热点,因此我们使用空闲链表数组,
     *   数组中的每一个元素都有自己的mutex和条目统计,而不是使用一个.
     * If the hash table is not partitioned, only freeList[0] is used and its
     * spinlock is not used at all; callers' locking is assumed sufficient.
     * 如果哈希表没有分区,那么只有freelist[0]元素是有用的,自旋锁没有任何用处;
     * 调用者锁定被认为已足够OK.
    FreeListData freeList[NUM_FREELISTS];
    /* These fields can change, but not in a partitioned table */
    /* Also, dsize can't change in a shared table, even if unpartitioned */
    long        dsize;          /* directory size */
    //已分配的段大小(<= dbsize)
    long        nsegs;          /* number of allocated segments (<= dsize) */
    uint32      max_bucket;     /* ID of maximum bucket in use */
    uint32      high_mask;      /* mask to modulo into entire table */
    uint32      low_mask;       /* mask to modulo into lower half of table */
    /* These fields are fixed at hashtable creation */
    Size        keysize;        /* hash key length in bytes */
    Size        entrysize;      /* total user element size in bytes */
    long        num_partitions; /* # partitions (must be power of 2), or 0 */
    long        ffactor;        /* target fill factor */
    long        max_dsize;      /* 'dsize' limit if directory is fixed size */
    long        ssize;          /* segment size --- must be power of 2 */
    int         sshift;         /* segment shift = log2(ssize) */
    int         nelem_alloc;    /* number of entries to allocate at once */
     * Count statistics here.  NB: stats code doesn't bother with mutex, so
     * counts could be corrupted a bit in a partitioned table.
     * 统计信息.
     * 注意:统计相关的代码不会影响mutex,因此对于分区表,统计可能有一点点问题
    long        accesses;
    long        collisions;
 * HASHELEMENT is the private part of a hashtable entry.  The caller's data
 * follows the HASHELEMENT structure (on a MAXALIGN'd boundary).  The hash key
 * is expected to be at the start of the caller's hash entry data structure.
 * HASHELEMENT是哈希表条目的私有部分.
 * 调用者的数据按照HASHELEMENT结构组织(位于MAXALIGN的边界).
 * 哈希键应位于调用者hash条目数据结构的开始位置.
typedef struct HASHELEMENT
    struct HASHELEMENT *link;   /* link to next entry in same bucket */
    uint32      hashvalue;      /* hash function result for this entry */
/* Hash table header struct is an opaque type known only within dynahash.c */
typedef struct HASHHDR HASHHDR;
/* Hash table control struct is an opaque type known only within dynahash.c */
typedef struct HTAB HTAB;
/* Parameter data structure for hash_create */
/* Only those fields indicated by hash_flags need be set */
typedef struct HASHCTL
    long        num_partitions; /* # partitions (must be power of 2) */
    long        ssize;          /* segment size */
    long        dsize;          /* (initial) directory size */
    long        max_dsize;      /* limit to dsize if dir size is limited */
    long        ffactor;        /* fill factor */
    Size        keysize;        /* hash key length in bytes */
    Size        entrysize;      /* total user element size in bytes */
    HashValueFunc hash;         /* hash function */
    HashCompareFunc match;      /* key comparison function */
    HashCopyFunc keycopy;       /* key copying function */
    HashAllocFunc alloc;        /* memory allocator */
    MemoryContext hcxt;         /* memory context to use for allocations */
    HASHHDR    *hctl;           /* location of header in shared mem */
/* A hash bucket is a linked list of HASHELEMENTs */
/* A hash segment is an array of bucket headers */
//hash segment是桶数组
 * Hash functions must have this signature.
 * Hash函数必须有它自己的标识
typedef uint32 (*HashValueFunc) (const void *key, Size keysize);
 * Key comparison functions must have this signature.  Comparison functions
 * return zero for match, nonzero for no match.  (The comparison function
 * definition is designed to allow memcmp() and strncmp() to be used directly
 * as key comparison functions.)
 * 哈希键对比函数必须有自己的标识.
 * 如匹配则对比函数返回0,不匹配返回非0.
 * (对比函数定义被设计为允许在对比键值时可直接使用memcmp()和strncmp())
typedef int (*HashCompareFunc) (const void *key1, const void *key2,
 Size keysize);
 * Key copying functions must have this signature.  The return value is not
 * used.  (The definition is set up to allow memcpy() and strlcpy() to be
 * used directly.)
 * 键拷贝函数必须有自己的标识.
 * 返回值无用.
typedef void *(*HashCopyFunc) (void *dest, const void *src, Size keysize);
 * Space allocation function for a hashtable --- designed to match malloc().
 * Note: there is no free function API; can't destroy a hashtable unless you
 * use the default allocator.
 * 哈希表的恐惧分配函数 -- 被设计为与malloc()函数匹配.
 * 注意:这里没有释放函数API;不能销毁哈希表,除非使用默认的分配器.
typedef void *(*HashAllocFunc) (Size request);


 * Per-freelist data.
 * 空闲链表数据.
 * In a partitioned hash table, each freelist is associated with a specific
 * set of hashcodes, as determined by the FREELIST_IDX() macro below.
 * nentries tracks the number of live hashtable entries having those hashcodes
 * (NOT the number of entries in the freelist, as you might expect).
 * 在一个分区哈希表中,每一个空闲链表与特定的hashcodes集合相关,通过下面的FREELIST_IDX()宏进行定义.
 * nentries跟踪有这些hashcodes的仍存活的hashtable条目个数.
 * (注意不要搞错,不是空闲的条目个数)
 * The coverage of a freelist might be more or less than one partition, so it
 * needs its own lock rather than relying on caller locking.  Relying on that
 * wouldn't work even if the coverage was the same, because of the occasional
 * need to "borrow" entries from another freelist; see get_hash_entry().
 * 空闲链表的覆盖范围可能比一个分区多或少,因此需要自己的锁而不能仅仅依赖调用者的锁.
 * 依赖调用者锁在覆盖面一样的情况下也不会起效,因为偶尔需要从另一个自由列表“借用”条目,详细参见get_hash_entry()
 * Using an array of FreeListData instead of separate arrays of mutexes,
 * nentries and freeLists helps to reduce sharing of cache lines between
 * different mutexes.
 * 使用FreeListData数组而不是一个独立的mutexes,nentries和freelists数组有助于减少不同mutexes之间的缓存线共享.
typedef struct
    slock_t     mutex;          /* spinlock for this freelist */
    long        nentries;       /* number of entries in associated buckets */
    HASHELEMENT *freeList;      /* chain of free elements */
} FreeListData;


/* entry for buffer lookup hashtable */
typedef struct
    BufferTag   key;            /* Tag of a disk page */
    //相关联的buffer ID
    int         id;             /* Associated buffer ID */
} BufferLookupEnt;


BufTableHashCode函数根据BufferTag计算Hash Code,主要的逻辑在函数hash_any中实现

 * BufTableHashCode
 *      Compute the hash code associated with a BufferTag
 * 根据BufferTag计算Hash Code
 * This must be passed to the lookup/insert/delete routines along with the
 * tag.  We do it like this because the callers need to know the hash code
 * in order to determine which buffer partition to lock, and we don't want
 * to do the hash computation twice (hash_any is a bit slow).
 * 该函数的返回值需要作为参数传递给与tag相关的检索/插入/删除处理过程.
 * 之所以这样处理是因为调用者需要知道Hash Code以便确定那个buffer partition需要锁定,
 *   而且我们不希望多次计算hash(hash_any有一点点慢).
BufTableHashCode(BufferTag *tagPtr)
    return get_hash_value(SharedBufHash, (void *) tagPtr);
 * get_hash_value -- exported routine to calculate a key's hash value
 * get_hash_value -- exported过程,用于计算key的hash值
 * We export this because for partitioned tables, callers need to compute
 * the partition number (from the low-order bits of the hash value) before
 * searching.
 * 之所以export这个过程是因为分区表,调用者需要在搜索前计算分区编号(根据hash值的lower-order bits)
get_hash_value(HTAB *hashp, const void *keyPtr)
    return hashp->hash(keyPtr, hashp->keysize);
 * tag_hash: hash function for fixed-size tag values
 * tag_hash:固定tag大小的hash函数
tag_hash(const void *key, Size keysize)
    return DatumGetUInt32(hash_any((const unsigned char *) key,
                                   (int) keysize));
 * DatumGetUInt32
 *      Returns 32-bit unsigned integer value of a datum.
 * DatumGetUInt32返回datum的32位无符号整型值
#define DatumGetUInt32(X) ((uint32) (X))


 * hash_any() -- hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value
 *      k       : the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)
 *      len     : the length of the key, counting by bytes
 * hash_any() -- hash一个可变长键值到一个32位值.
 *      k       : the key(未对齐的可变长字节数组)
 * Returns a uint32 value.  Every bit of the key affects every bit of
 * the return value.  Every 1-bit and 2-bit delta achieves avalanche.
 * About 6*len+35 instructions. The best hash table sizes are powers
 * of 2.  There is no need to do mod a prime (mod is sooo slow!).
 * If you need less than 32 bits, use a bitmask.
 * 返回无符号32位整型值.
 * key的每一位都会影响返回值的每一位.每一个1位和2位增量都会产生雪崩.
 * 大概有6*len+35个指令.最好的hash表大小是2的幂.不需要进行很慢的mod操作.
 * 如果需要少于32bits的值,那使用bitmask. 
 * This procedure must never throw elog(ERROR); the ResourceOwner code
 * relies on this not to fail.
 * 这个过程永远都不要抛出elog(ERROR);依赖此函数的ResourceOwner代码永远都不会出现异常.
 * Note: we could easily change this function to return a 64-bit hash value
 * by using the final values of both b and c.  b is perhaps a little less
 * well mixed than c, however.
 * 注意:不能轻易的改变该函数,通过使用b和c的最后值来返回64-bit的hash值.b的混合度可能没有c好
hash_any(register const unsigned char *k, register int keylen)
    register uint32 a,
    /* Set up the internal state */
    len = keylen;
    a = b = c = 0x9e3779b9 + len + 3923095;
    /* If the source pointer is word-aligned, we use word-wide fetches */
    if (((uintptr_t) k & UINT32_ALIGN_MASK) == 0)
        /* Code path for aligned source data */
        register const uint32 *ka = (const uint32 *) k;
        /* handle most of the key */
        while (len >= 12)
            a += ka[0];
            b += ka[1];
            c += ka[2];
            mix(a, b, c);
            ka += 3;
            len -= 12;
        /* handle the last 11 bytes */
        k = (const unsigned char *) ka;
        switch (len)
            case 11:
                c += ((uint32) k[10] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 10:
                c += ((uint32) k[9] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 9:
                c += ((uint32) k[8] << 24);
                /* fall through */
            case 8:
                /* the lowest byte of c is reserved for the length */
                b += ka[1];
                a += ka[0];
            case 7:
                b += ((uint32) k[6] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 6:
                b += ((uint32) k[5] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 5:
                b += ((uint32) k[4] << 24);
                /* fall through */
            case 4:
                a += ka[0];
            case 3:
                a += ((uint32) k[2] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 2:
                a += ((uint32) k[1] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 1:
                a += ((uint32) k[0] << 24);
                /* case 0: nothing left to add */
#else                           /* 小码端; !WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
        switch (len)
            case 11:
                c += ((uint32) k[10] << 24);
                /* fall through */
            case 10:
                c += ((uint32) k[9] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 9:
                c += ((uint32) k[8] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 8:
                /* the lowest byte of c is reserved for the length */
                b += ka[1];
                a += ka[0];
            case 7:
                b += ((uint32) k[6] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 6:
                b += ((uint32) k[5] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 5:
                b += k[4];
                /* fall through */
            case 4:
                a += ka[0];
            case 3:
                a += ((uint32) k[2] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 2:
                a += ((uint32) k[1] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 1:
                a += k[0];
                /* case 0: nothing left to add */
#endif                          /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
    else//---------- 非字对齐
        /* Code path for non-aligned source data */
        /* handle most of the key */
        while (len >= 12)
            a += (k[3] + ((uint32) k[2] << 8) + ((uint32) k[1] << 16) + ((uint32) k[0] << 24));
            b += (k[7] + ((uint32) k[6] << 8) + ((uint32) k[5] << 16) + ((uint32) k[4] << 24));
            c += (k[11] + ((uint32) k[10] << 8) + ((uint32) k[9] << 16) + ((uint32) k[8] << 24));
#else                           /* !WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
            a += (k[0] + ((uint32) k[1] << 8) + ((uint32) k[2] << 16) + ((uint32) k[3] << 24));
            b += (k[4] + ((uint32) k[5] << 8) + ((uint32) k[6] << 16) + ((uint32) k[7] << 24));
            c += (k[8] + ((uint32) k[9] << 8) + ((uint32) k[10] << 16) + ((uint32) k[11] << 24));
#endif                          /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
            mix(a, b, c);
            k += 12;
            len -= 12;
        /* handle the last 11 bytes */
        switch (len)
            case 11:
                c += ((uint32) k[10] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 10:
                c += ((uint32) k[9] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 9:
                c += ((uint32) k[8] << 24);
                /* fall through */
            case 8:
                /* the lowest byte of c is reserved for the length */
                b += k[7];
                /* fall through */
            case 7:
                b += ((uint32) k[6] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 6:
                b += ((uint32) k[5] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 5:
                b += ((uint32) k[4] << 24);
                /* fall through */
            case 4:
                a += k[3];
                /* fall through */
            case 3:
                a += ((uint32) k[2] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 2:
                a += ((uint32) k[1] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 1:
                a += ((uint32) k[0] << 24);
                /* case 0: nothing left to add */
#else                           /* !WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
        switch (len)
            case 11:
                c += ((uint32) k[10] << 24);
                /* fall through */
            case 10:
                c += ((uint32) k[9] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 9:
                c += ((uint32) k[8] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 8:
                /* the lowest byte of c is reserved for the length */
                b += ((uint32) k[7] << 24);
                /* fall through */
            case 7:
                b += ((uint32) k[6] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 6:
                b += ((uint32) k[5] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 5:
                b += k[4];
                /* fall through */
            case 4:
                a += ((uint32) k[3] << 24);
                /* fall through */
            case 3:
                a += ((uint32) k[2] << 16);
                /* fall through */
            case 2:
                a += ((uint32) k[1] << 8);
                /* fall through */
            case 1:
                a += k[0];
                /* case 0: nothing left to add */
#endif                          /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
    final(a, b, c);
    /* report the result */
    return UInt32GetDatum(c);
 * mix -- mix 3 32-bit values reversibly.
 * This is reversible, so any information in (a,b,c) before mix() is
 * still in (a,b,c) after mix().
 * If four pairs of (a,b,c) inputs are run through mix(), or through
 * mix() in reverse, there are at least 32 bits of the output that
 * are sometimes the same for one pair and different for another pair.
 * This was tested for:
 * * pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination
 *   of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
 *   (a,b,c).
 * * "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^.  For + and -, I transformed
 *   the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
 *   is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
 *   difference.
 * * the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or
 *   all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
 * This does not achieve avalanche.  There are input bits of (a,b,c)
 * that fail to affect some output bits of (a,b,c), especially of a.  The
 * most thoroughly mixed value is c, but it doesn't really even achieve
 * avalanche in c.
 * This allows some parallelism.  Read-after-writes are good at doubling
 * the number of bits affected, so the goal of mixing pulls in the opposite
 * direction from the goal of parallelism.  I did what I could.  Rotates
 * seem to cost as much as shifts on every machine I could lay my hands on,
 * and rotates are much kinder to the top and bottom bits, so I used rotates.
#define mix(a,b,c) \
{ \
  a -= c;  a ^= rot(c, 4);  c += b; \
  b -= a;  b ^= rot(a, 6);  a += c; \
  c -= b;  c ^= rot(b, 8);  b += a; \
  a -= c;  a ^= rot(c,16);  c += b; \
  b -= a;  b ^= rot(a,19);  a += c; \
  c -= b;  c ^= rot(b, 4);  b += a; \
 * UInt32GetDatum
 *      Returns datum representation for a 32-bit unsigned integer.
#define UInt32GetDatum(X) ((Datum) (X))




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