vb.net的简单按钮编写 我刚刚接触这个求教
Dim I As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Button1.Text = "继续"
TextBox1.Text = I
I = I + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
I = 2
End Sub
代码如上 如图的效果
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Form2.Show '用show方法加载并且显示名为Form2的窗体
End Sub
show 方法后面省略了两个参数即Form2.Show 0或Form2.Show 1此参数可缺省。可自行运行验证
vb.NET 生成按钮
Public Sub GenerateDynamiceButton()
'建立 坐标位置的变数, 方便一会儿安排 自动生产的button 的位置
Dim y As Integer = 15
Dim x As Integer = 0
' 用for loop 来建立 这些button 做 18只button
For ButtonIndex As Integer = 0 To 17
' 建造新的 button
Dim MyButton As New Button
'设定这新的button 的阔度
MyButton.Width = 80
'设定这新的button 的高度
MyButton.Height = 20
'我们暂定每行有4个BUTTON, 当每行有多个4个BUTTON 时重设行距, 令到下一行的和这一行的距离有10 个PIXEL
' 和重设x 坐标` = 0, 令到位置由头开始
If ButtonIndex Mod 4 = 0 Then
'设定 TOP 的 坐标位置令他可以和上一排的有10个PIXEL 的距离
y += MyButton.Height + 10
x = 0
End If
'设定文字 和 位置
' Set the text and set its top and left based on its dimensions and count
MyButton.Text = "My Button" ButtonIndex
'设定 TOP 的 坐标位置
MyButton.Top = y
'下面的CODE 可以令到这个BUTTON 和另一个BUTTON 有5个PIXEL 的距离
MyButton.Left = 26 + (x * (MyButton.Width + 5))
x += 1
AddHandler MyButton.Click, AddressOf MyButton_Click
'把button 加到 form 中
End Sub
'处理 button click event
Private Sub MyButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim btn As Button = sender
'pop up 一个自己button 的字的message
先得到目标窗体的 handle (句柄) 或整个对象, 然后实例化一个button 并加入到窗体对象中. 如: 在 form2 点击 add 按钮后, form1 会新添加一个按钮,单击显示hello , 下面是两个窗口类. public class form1 inherits system.windows.forms.form '这是一个什么都没有的空窗体 public sub new() me.size=new size(200,200) end subend class public class form2 inherits system.windows.forms.form private button1 as button '添加按钮 private frm as form public sub new() me.size=new size(200,200) button1= new button() '实例化 button1.text="add" '名字就叫 add button1.location=new point(50,50) addhandle button1.click, addressof add_click me.controls.add(button1) end sub '用于记录form1对象的属性 public property form1() as form get return frm end get set (byval value as form) frm = value end set end property '添加按钮 private sub add_click(byval o as object, byval e as eventargs) '当form1属性被指定,向form1 添加按钮 if frm isnot nothing then dim btn as button = new button() btn.text ="new button" btn.location=new point(50,50) addhandle btn.click, addressof button_click frm.controls.add (btn) else msgbox ("未指定form1") end if end sub '新按钮的单击事件 private sub button_click(byval o as object, byval e as eventargs) msgbox("hello!") end subend class 两个窗体类完成了,然后在模块写如下代码,程序设置为从模块启动:public module module1 public sub main() dim frm1= new form1() dim frm2 = new form2() frm2.form1=frm1 frm2.show() frm1.show() application.run(frm2) end subend module